Tag: Financial Accountability Office of Ontario

FAO releases report estimating budget impacts of climate hazards to public...

The Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) released its final report in the Costing Climate Change Impacts to Public Infrastructure (CIPI) series. This report...

Climate change could cost municipalities billions to maintain water infrastructure: FAO

More extreme rainfall to add $6.2 billion to Ontario’s linear storm and wastewater infrastructure costs by 2030, and significantly more by 2100, according to...

Climate change to add $14B to transportation infrastructure costs: FAO

The Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) released its Costing Climate Change Impacts to Public Transportation Infrastructure report, the latest in a series of reports...

Climate change is significantly impacting infrastructure budgets in Ontario: FAO

The Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) released its Costing Climate Change Impacts to Public Infrastructure (CIPI): Buildings report - one of three reports...