The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) announced the release of the 22nd annual report of the Green Municipal Fund (GMF).

GMF’s annual report illustrates how municipalities are exploring new ways to ensure a more sustainable and prosperous future. Seemingly audacious ideas often start with an unanswerable question or a long-standing local challenge. GMF helps those ideas quickly grow into sustainable solutions that can be replicated coast-to-coast-to-coast to deliver triple-bottom-line benefits.

“FCM’s Green Municipal Fund, together with municipalities and the federal government, is helping move the country toward Canada’s 2030 and 2050 climate goals,” said Taneen Rudyk, FCM President. “Achieving the goal requires both bold investments in municipalities, and a disciplined approach to scaling up proven solutions – both elements that are at the core of GMF’s success. Together, we are working to build a future where we live, work and play in harmony with our natural environment.”

For more than two decades, GMF and FCM have been delivering climate programming that provides Canadian communities with the tools they need to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future while supporting the most vulnerable people.

GMF climate programs deliver proven, impactful solutions that can be scaled up across communities of all sizes – and we offer support for priorities identified in the ERP:

  • Low-emissions buildings and homes through the Community Efficiency Financing, Sustainable Affordable Housing and Community Buildings Retrofit initiatives
  • Transportation: GMF helps ensure active and low-carbon transit are accessible, efficient, safe, and convenient. Through our core offer we support options to reduce fossil fuels in fleets, and develop transportation networks and community option
  • Waste: GMF helps municipalities build a future in which waste is avoided, recovered, and reused through responsible resource management. GMF funds waste diversion and waste stream management options
  • Land use: GMF works with municipalities and their partners to ensure land is protected, restored, used, and managed responsibly. GMF funds brownfield site remediation, renewable energy production on brownfield, sustainable neighborhood action plans, on-site or off-site treatment of contaminated soils, groundwater, or other materials
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The Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3 Network of urban climate hubs) is further enabling local innovation in seven major urban areas, helping almost 50 percent of Canadians live in more sustainable cities and creating examples for others to follow.

“For 22 years, we have helped municipalities switch to sustainability solutions faster, while delivering strong environment, economic and social co-benefits. By uniting with partners from all orders of government, as well as the private sector, GMF is proud to be part of a Canadian ecosystem inspiring innovation to create a sustainable and prosperous tomorrow,” said Alan DeSousa, GMF Council chair.

“The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has consistently delivered progress on reducing pollution, enhancing energy efficiency, deploying zero-emissions infrastructure and assisting municipalities in leading the fight against climate change. The Government of Canada is pleased to work with them through the Green Municipal Fund, as we build more prosperous and net-zero communities across Canada,” added Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources.


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