Infrastructure Canada announced that the Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) has been selected to support transit bus operators by producing comprehensive and accurate zero emission transit bus electrification and planning studies.
On August 10, 2021, Infrastructure Canada launched a Call for Applications to identify one or more organizations capable of providing high quality, neutral, and comprehensive planning services on fleet electrification to transit bus operators across Canada.
Transitioning to zero emission buses requires careful planning and sound understanding of operational and technical differences. This is why the Government is investing $10 million through the Zero Emission Transit Fund over five years to allow CUTRIC to work with transit bus operators to complete planning work, and bolster readiness to transition to zero emission transit bus fleets. Their work will also help communities respond to the key challenges of transit electrification.
“Investments in zero emission buses help reduce pollution, support Canadian manufacturing, and is an important step in meeting our 2050 target. We are proud to partner with CUTRIC to give transit operators the support they need to transition to zero emission buses and more sustainable technologies,” said Jennifer O’Connell, Parliamentary Secretary to Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities.
According O’Connell, investing in public transit infrastructure is part of the government’s commitment to create jobs, fight climate change, and rebuild a more sustainable and resilient economy.
“Electric and hydrogen technologies are complicated and costly,” said Josipa Petrunić, President & CEO, Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC). “Transit agencies need the right models to predict how electric and hydrogen buses will work in their communities and what they will cost. This is a critical juncture in Canada’s history on climate action. This program will take transit agencies from ground zero – not knowing where to start – through to full fleet electrification and decarbonization readiness. It will set the country on a pathway towards zero-emission transit systems for the 21st century.”
Featured image: (Brampton Transit)