The Government of Quebec has officially launched a study of a third transportation link to connect Quebec City and Levis. This study is in line with the mandate of the project office, which is to carry out and monitor all the steps and studies necessary for the implementation of a new interred link.
“The project to establish a new link is under way,” said Véronyque Tremblay, minister of transport for the Government of Quebec. “The project office team worked tirelessly to finalize the quote for the important opportunity study. This essential step will provide us with all the information needed to make the best decision for this important project. I am very pleased to note that this work is a consensus and that we will continue to work with the cities of Quebec and Lévis and all our partners.”
The selected service provider will have the mandate to determine the need for travel as well as the best interventions that can be implemented to improve the fluidity in the Greater Quebec City area. The first step is to document the current situation and trends, and define the expectations of the environment, the issues, and constraints. The second stage will analyze the most promising solutions in the short, medium, and long term by exploring various avenues, including the establishment of a new link between the two shores, the optimization of links (including public transport) and technological solutions. The mandate also includes the completion of an economic impact analysis and the development of a pre-project that outlines the proposed solutions.
“This project will improve mobility at the regional level,” said Sébastien Proulx, minister responsible for the Capital Region. “This advancement is great news for the citizens of the metropolitan community of Quebec City and surrounding areas. Mobility is a real issue that we are tackling, and the opportunity study will give us the tools to address this topic from a global perspective, which will help us to make the right interventions for the benefit of users.”
The timeline for the study is:
- January 2018 – End of the call for tenders for the realization of the opportunity study
- Early 2018 – Start of the Opportunity Study
- Summer 2018 – Highlights of the Needs Study
- End 2018 – Needs Study Results
- Summer 2020 – Results of the study of the solutions
- End of 2020 – Filing of the opportunity file
The project was included in the 2017-2027 Québec Infrastructure Plan in the “Projects under consideration” category in March 2017.
The implementation of the third link project office was completed in October 2017.
The end of the opportunity study is scheduled for 2020.