Representatives from the governments of Canada and Quebec took part in a groundbreaking event to officially mark the start of work to widen and repair the Henri‑IV Highway between Charest Highway and Chauveau Avenue in Quebec City.
“I am delighted to mark this important chapter for the Henri‑IV Highway, which will modernize key transportation infrastructure in the Capitale‑Nationale region,” said Jean-Yves Duclos, MP for Quebec City. “This work will help extend the life of the highway and reduce long‑term maintenance costs. Once completed, this project will make it easier for users to travel safely so they can spend more time with their families.”
Work on this large‑scale project began gradually in July and will continue until 2023. The completed work on this strategic corridor will improve safety and traffic flow in addition to ensuring the integrity of the existing infrastructure. The total estimated cost for the project is $291 million. The Government of Canada is contributing a maximum of $128 million under the New Building Canada Fund, Provincial‑Territorial Infrastructure Component – National and Regional Projects.
“Built in the 60s and 70s, this highway was in dire need of a facelift. I am thrilled to see the work take off,” said Véronyque Tremblay, Minister for Transport. “The improvements made over the next few years will significantly improve the fluidity of this vital corridor and the region as a whole.”
The project involves widening the Henri‑IV Highway to three lanes, in both directions, between the Charest (440) and Félix‑Leclerc (40) highways. A three‑lane northbound extension will also be constructed for the portion between the Félix‑Leclerc (40) Highway and Chauveau Avenue, to the city limits of L’Ancienne‑Lorette.
The project includes:
- Repaving the roadway between the Charest and Félix‑Leclerc highways;
- Work on all structures, including 13 that will undergo major work;
- Repairs to all infrastructure (roadway, overhead signage, drainage and lighting); and,
- Geometric changes to certain on‑ and off‑ramps, mainly to lengthen merge lanes for greater safety and better flow.
A number of measures will be taken throughout the project to limit the impacts on the quality of life of area residents and road users, including:
- Temporary adjustments (slip lanes, curb lanes) to make travel easier;
- Use of the shoulder by Réseau de transport de la Capitale (RTC) buses on the Henri‑IV Highway southbound, between Sainte‑Geneviève Road and the Félix‑Leclerc Highway;
- Use of variable message signs to inform users of traffic conditions and congestion;
- Ongoing coordination with partners, including Ville de Québec, the RTC and police forces; and,
- Measures to minimize noise at night, including a noise monitoring and control program.
More than 100,000 vehicles use the Henri‑IV Highway every day.