The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has announced joint provincial-municipal funding of over $46 million for municipal infrastructure projects in St. John’s.
“Cost sharing these projects with the Provincial Government allows the city to undertake infrastructure construction and renewal at an affordable cost,” said St. John’s Mayor Danny Breen. “These funds will help the city to enhance the quality of roads, water and waste water services for residents in St. John’s.”
Funding was allocated through the 2017-2020 Multi-Year Capital Works program and projects will be cost-shared 50/50 between the provincial government and the City of St. John’s. The list of projects includes:
- Annual Streets Rehabilitation Program ($26 million total project value)
- Annual Bridge Rehabilitation Program ($1.5 million total project value)
- Annual Retaining Wall Rehabilitation Program ($1.5 million total project value)
- Bay Bulls Road Street Upgrading – Phase 3 ($5 million total project value)
- Northeast Land Assembly Trunk Storm Sewer Replacement ($5.4 million total project value)
- Bishops Line – Box Culvert ($1 million total project value)
- Cadet Road Street Upgrading ($950,000 total project value)
- Empire Avenue – Sewer Separation ($2.1 million total project value)
- Gould’s Pump Station and Force Main Repairs ($2.8 million total project value)
The Multi-Year Capital Works program is part of the provincial government’s 2017-2020 municipal infrastructure program. The program provides $100 million over three years to support the development of municipal infrastructure. This includes $70 million for multi-year communities from 2017-2020 and $10 million each year for three years to communities through the Municipal Capital Works program.