A moment to give thanks

It has been a difficult few weeks. Some have lost their job, some have watched loved ones fight a disease that they can’t understand, and others have had to help family and friends navigate the uncharted waters of isolation.

But for some, it has been business as usual. Despite all of the shutdowns, panic, and general anxiety, some have had to conduct their daily lives in much the same way as they had in the weeks before the coronavirus reached Canadian soil.

There are thousands of dedicated workers who are putting the needs of others ahead of themselves, spending each and every day doing their job despite the real risks to health and safety that the pandemic has created. They are the dedicated, the selfless, the tireless advocates for getting the job done regardless of the reality around them.

And in many cases, they are you.

For the past few weeks, you have been among dedicated workers who have been working diligently to continue building, operating, and maintaining infrastructure assets the public needs operational now and every day into the future. So many of you, and your teams, have put others before yourself in order to do the job that is needed. It hasn’t been easy, and the conditions haven’t always been as safe as they should be, but you have done your job anyways.

Every one of you needs to be thanked for what you have done, and what you will continue to do in this difficult time.

Thank you. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for putting the needs of others first.

See also  Navigating the New Normal

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