Celebrating the Biggest Infrastructure Projects in Western Canada

On May 14, senior executives from throughout the Canadian public sector infrastructure landscape came together at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel to celebrate more than $293 billion in infrastructure megaproject development at the second annual Top100 Projects Key Players and Owners Dinner.

Infrastructure BC vice president of Projects and Corporate Affairs Jeff Good provided keynote remarks at the event, where he highlighted British Columbia’s capital healthcare spending that includes eight projects on the 2024 Top100 Projects report, totalling $12.6 billion.

“On behalf of Infrastructure BC, I can say it is truly rewarding to be connected to these eight vital healthcare projects.

“During my time I have been heavily involved in the healthcare sector, including introducing and implementing the Alliance procurement model in British Columbia in recent years.

“Infrastructure projects—whether they are in healthcare, transportation, energy, or any of the sectors noted within the Top100 Projects—are all truly impactful to communities.”

Work is now underway to develop the 2025 edition of the Top100 Projects report. Project and stakeholder submissions are being accepted now. If you would like to supply us with information for consideration for the report, please email ReNew Canada Editor John Tenpenny at [email protected]

Jeff Good, vice president of Projects and Corporate Affairs with Infrastructure BC, delivered the keynote address. (Sombilon Studios)
Sam Collins, Senior Director, WSP in Canada. (Sombilon Studios)
Jesse Unke, Maven Consulting, Nick Krukowski, Actual Media, Winnie Shi, Metro Vanvouver, Stephanie Hun, Flatiron Construction Canada, and Meena Venkataraman, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. (Sombilon Studios)
The team from WSP in Canada. (Sombilon Studios)

Jeff Good and Kathy Clouthier, Infrastructure BC, Sam Collins, WSP in Canada, and Corinne Lynds, Actual Media. (Sombilon Studios)


Jason French, Chan-Seng Lee, Infrastructure BC, Jhon Nunez, JPD Contracting, David Hubner, Infrastructure BC, Sharat Chandra, Fraser Health Authority, Fiona Cochrane, Infrastructure BC, and Mike Lorimer, TI Corp. (Sombilon Studios)


[This article originally appeared in the July/August 2024 edition of ReNew Canada]

Featured image: The Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel was the site of the second annual Top100 Project Vancouver event. (Sombilon Studios)

See also  Canada, B.C. sign bilateral infrastructure agreement

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