The Government of Canada and two Nova Scotia municipalities announced more than $10.5 million joint funding for two wastewater and stormwater infrastructure projects

The Municipality of the County of Kings will receive more than $2.7 million to improve wastewater treatment and collection facilities by adding screening systems, replacing four lift stations, and constructing a new lift station and a 1.35-kilometre gravity sewer infrastructure extension. The project will increase the overall efficiency of the system and support new higher-density housing developments.

The Village of Canning will receive $818,667 to help replace more than 1,200 metres of water distribution main, more than 1,300 metres of sanitary sewer, and more than 800 metres of storm sewer. Funding will also cover reinstatement of the roadway and sidewalk infrastructure. The new system will maintain efficiency and ensure the village remains a modern and desirable place to live.

“Reliable infrastructure is the foundation for building strong, sustainable communities,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “We are pleased to fund these projects to upgrade the water distribution and wastewater collection systems to ensure they are reliable and safe. With these investments, we are also investing in the sustainability and growth of these communities.”

The federal government is contributing $3,254,000 to the County of Kings project, with the municipality investing $2,169,333. In Canning, the federal government is investing $982,400, while the village is contributing $654,933.

“Our government is pleased to partner with provincial and municipal partners to invest in rural communities across Nova Scotia. Clean drinking water and more efficient water distribution, as well as safe and modern wastewater infrastructure, are vital to the success of the province’s local development, while also creating good jobs and economic growth in the communities,” said Kody Blois, MP for Kings-Hants.

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Both projects are funded federally through the Green Infrastructure Stream and the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

“Our municipality is appreciative of the strong partnerships forged with the provincial and federal governments. Without their participation, we would not be moving this soon to advance these essential infrastructure upgrades,” said Peter Muttart, Mayor, Municipality of the County of Kings.

“With the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program funding in place, the Chapel Road Water Project is on track for a spring start. The Canning Village Commission is very pleased with the level of intergovernmental co-operation resulting in the proactive and methodic strengthening of this core service,” said Angela Cruickshank, Commission Chair, Village of Canning.

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