Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Dwight Ball announced the signing of a bilateral agreement with the Government of Canada under the Investing in Canada Plan that will provide more than $555 million in federal funding over the next decade for community infrastructure projects.

“We value our collaborative working relationship with our federal counterparts as we continue to ensure that residents are directly benefiting from high quality municipal infrastructure,” Ball said. “As we have outlined in The Way Forward, our government continues to leverage all available sources of federal funding, including the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Plan, to maximize investments that will achieve greater efficiency, strengthen the province’s economic foundation, enhance services, and improve outcomes for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.”

The funding announced as part of the agreement focuses on four key areas:

  • $109,071,324 for public transit;
  • $302,364,807 for green infrastructure;
  • $39,768,539 for community, culture, and recreation infrastructure; and
  • $104,638,175 for rural and northern communities.

“This funding will make a real difference to Newfoundland and Labrador communities,” said François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. “Residents will enjoy safer roads and highways, improved water and wastewater facilities, and will benefit from new green infrastructure.”

The projects supported through this agreement will involve contributions from the provincial, federal, and municipal governments and other partners. A call for applications for potential projects will be made by the provincial government in the coming weeks.

See also  Newfoundland and Labrador releases road project list


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