Candu Energy Inc., a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group (TSX: SNC), has been awarded a three-and-a-half year, $22 million contract to perform advanced non-destructive examination (ANDE) and associated maintenance on fuel channels for the CANDU heavy water reactors at Bruce Power.

Under the contract, the Company will provide critical inspection and analysis that support the long-term health of the reactor core which leads to a safer, sustainable asset that produces low-cost power. SNC-Lavalin has been performing fuel channel inspections for Bruce Power for more than six years.

“Our experienced specialists, technicians, engineers, designers, programmers and software developers align us to execute these types of projects as a one-stop-shop for all reactor inspection and maintenance needs,” said Sandy Taylor, president, Nuclear, SNC-Lavalin. “With access to over 500 patented solutions, we leverage our innovative technology portfolio and use the latest tools to develop industry best practices to manage technically complex challenges with precision.”

“Bruce Power and SNC-Lavalin have a long history of collaboration to ensure that nuclear safety remains paramount as we deliver clean, reliable power to Ontario homes and businesses for the long term,” said Gary Newman, Bruce Power’s chief engineer & senior vice president, Engineering. “ANDE is one of the tools that helps us establish a very clear picture of the health of the pressure tubes in our units by providing extremely accurate measurements and data used to ensure their integrity which allows us to continue to provide power to the province in a safe and predictable manner.”

Featured image: (Bruce Power)

See also  Bruce Power signs contract for MCR steam generator replacements in Units 5, 7 and 8


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