UBC Millwright Local 2309 recently received an Emergency Power Generator (EPG) unit from Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to help expand training opportunities. The gas-turbine generator had been in service at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (DNGS) playing a vital role in the station’s safety systems in case of an emergency.
Recognizing the significant opportunity to expand the training curriculum and work opportunities for its members, Millwright Local 2309 partnered with OPG, ES Fox, Aecon & Mammoet to make this a successful collaborative effort.
“We actively acknowledge the value of our contractor-client partner relationships and continually seek out innovative ways to enhance our members skillsets,” said Drew Chittenden, Business Manager of Local 2309.
The repurposed turbine-generator will aid in providing courses focused on safety, productivity and technical skills development such as advanced rigging, optical levelling and alignment, torquing procedures and industry leading best practices for foreign material exclusion (FME) and correct component verification (CCV).
“There is no question that this equipment will further enhance the programs offered by our Department of Training and Education (DET) and aligns well with the Millwright Regional Council of Ontario’s (MRCO) 4 Pillar strategic growth plan agenda,” stated John Baker, Business Representative of Local 2309.
The EPG is slated to be installed at Local 2309’s new training centre in Port Hope, Ontario. when construction has been finalized.
Featured image: (L to R) Albert Connell – ES Fox Millwright Foreman; Jeremy Sulatycki – ES Fox Millwright General Foreman; Mitchell Howes – ES Fox Millwright; Blake Watson – ES Fox Millwright; Logan Stewart – ES Fox Millwright General Foreman; Joseph Kowaliw – Business Representative MW Local 2309; John Baker – Business Representative MW Local 230; George Bostock – ES Fox Millwright; Gelu Tamas – OPG Project Lead; Terry Bell – ES Fox Project Superintendent; Drew Chittenden – Business Manager MW Local 2309; James Philipps – OPG Project Manager; Mark Phillpotts-Delisser – Canatom Project Manager; James Wright – ES Fox Millwright; and Mark Delavigne-Mills – ES Fox Millwright. (CNW Group/Millwright Local 2309)