The Government of Ontario announced it has issued two requests for proposals to complete detail design work for both the central and east sections of the Bradford Bypass.
“Under the leadership of Premier Ford, our government is delivering on our promise to build the Bradford Bypass so drivers spend less time in gridlock and more time with their families each day,” said Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation. “The Bradford Bypass will be a game changer for commuters, saving drivers 35 minutes each way.”
The province is accepting proposals for detail design work for two sections running from Simcoe County Road 4 in the west to Highway 404 in the east. This work will include field and archeology investigations, property acquisitions, fulfilling our duty to consult and finalizing the preferred design option for these sections. The government expects to award a contract for the work by fall 2025.
“Today’s announcement is another indication of progress on a project that our government is committed to getting done,” said Caroline Mulroney, MPP for York-Simcoe. “By issuing a request for proposals on these sections of the development, the Bradford Bypass is one step closer to completion which will get people where they need to go, faster.”
Crews have completed tree clearing along the proposed route of the west section of the Bradford Bypass to streamline utility relocations and clear a path for the bypass. Last year, the province also awarded contracts for detail design work and a construction manager for the west section of the bypass. In addition, a southbound lane on Highway 400 connecting to the Bradford Bypass is currently under construction.
Once complete, the 16.3-kilometre bypass will connect Highway 404 in the east to Highway 400 in the west. During construction, the project is expected to support up to 2,200 jobs annually and contribute up to $286 million to Ontario’s GDP.
Featured image: (Government of Ontario)