The District of Squamish in British Columbia is moving forward with the first phase of a major capital project to extend Pioneer Way from Queens Way to the intersection of Government Road and Centennial Way.
Identified as a priority in the District’s 2031 Multi-Modal Transportation Plan, this three-phased project will transform Pioneer Way into an arterial route and major entry into the Squamish Business Park while reducing traffic from the surrounding residential area and creating a stronger link to the Discovery Trail.
“This is a key project in our pursuit to improve the overall connectivity and transportation safety throughout Squamish, and will improve north-south connectivity, reduce traffic through the North Yards neighbourhood, and improve linkages to the Discovery Trail, one of our two primary active transportation travel routes,” says Squamish Mayor Karen Elliott.
“The project is being funded through contributions developers have made to the Development Cost Charges bylaw, which is in place to help pay for growth-related infrastructure needs as our population increases,” adds Elliott.
Upon completion of the three phases, the project will feature a two-lane expansion, sidewalks, a paved multi-use separated pathway, roadway lighting, new storm infrastructure, intersection upgrades and the upgrade of the Discovery Trail to Government Road.
Phase 1: Phase 1 is planned to take place from November 2020 to June 2021, and will see Pioneer Way from Queens Way to Discovery Way closed to all vehicle traffic. Work in phase 1 will include: installation of storm infrastructure; roadway lighting; infrastructure for future signalized intersection at Queens Way and Pioneer Way; vegetation removal and grading; and construction of a paved multi-use pathway on the south side of Pioneer Way to Discovery Way.
Phase one of the project has a budget (including contingency) of $1.06 million and will be funded through Development Cost Charges.
Phase 2 and 3: Phase 2 will involve design and construction of the stretch from Discovery Way to Aspen Road (2021-2022). Phase 3 will involve design and construction of the stretch from Aspen Road to Government Road. The start date for the third phase of the project is not known at this time as the future road alignment on this stretch has not been finalized and will require further investigation.
For further information on project progress, click here: