Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tag: Halifax Infirmary

Construction to begin on Halifax Infirmary site of QEII Health Sciences...

The Province of Nova Scotia announced it has reached an agreement with Plenary PCL Health to start advanced work on the Halifax Infirmary site...

CBC Building demolition a key step for QEII redevelopment

A tender to demolish the former CBC building on Bell Road was awarded to Asbestos Abatement Limited as part of the QEll New Generation...

Construction of dialysis unit at Halifax Infirmary moving forward

The Government of Nova Scotia has approved $5.98 million to add six more dialysis chairs at the Halifax Infirmary. As a result, 24 more...

Tender issued for parkade replacement for Halifax Infirmary Expansion

Preparations for the expansion of the Halifax Infirmary site of the QEII Health Sciences Centre continue to move forward, with the release of a...

$29.5 million parking strategy approved for QEII New Generation project

The Government of Nova Scotia has announced another step in the QEll New Generation project to make way for new construction on the Halifax...

Two teams qualify for Halifax Infirmary project

Two companies have qualified to bid to lead the expansion of the Halifax Infirmary, a significant component of the QEII New Generation project. EllisDon Infrastructure...

Nova Scotia issues RF(S)Q for QEII Next Generation project

The Government of Nova Scotia is starting its search for the team that will design, construct, finance, and maintain the new construction of the...

Plan unveiled for Halifax Infirmary development

The Nova Scotia government and the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) unveiled a milestone in the redevelopment of the QEII Health Sciences Centre, as...